International Consulting

Helping businesses of all sizes in export and import processes for over 15 years

Who Are We?

Founded in 2007, RI USP Jr. is a business consulting firm jointly managed by undergraduate students and professors from the International Relations course at the University of São Paulo. We provide services in internationalization (importation and exportations), nationalization and business expansion at below-market prices. With the excellence of one of the best universities of Latin America, we help our clients expand their operations in the national and global markets.

Our Solutions

Análise de Mercado Alvo

Market Analysis

A study on a specific product and its insertion into the international or national market, considering socioeconomic and consumption indexes.

Solução Análise de risco

Marketing Plan

Develop your business with promotion strategies, identification of target audiences, and goal setting, directing actions to achieve success.

Solução Análise Burocrática

Bureaucratic Analysis

A survey containing all the necessary documents and procedures for your business’ import or export process.

Análise Tributária

Tax Analysis

A study of taxes, both Brazilian and international, for conducting import or export operations.

Solução análise conjuntural

Conjunctural Analysis

A study on the sociocultural,
economic, and bureaucratic
aspects that impact
exportation/importation to a chosen location.

Análise Logística

Logistics Analysis

This analysis promotes cost optimization and operational
efficiency for your company to grow, improve productivity, and
achieve success.

Pesquisa de Mercado

Market Research

A service designed for clients who want to deeply explore the chosen location for their export or import process and get to know potential consumers or competitors.

Solução análise concorrencial estratégica

Strategic Competitive Analysis

A study on the target audience, market competitors, and other metrics that impact the import or export process of your business.

Make the Highest Revenue in Your History! Expand Your Business!

Why RI USP Jr.?

Hiring business consulting firms is a common practice in the market. Large
companies turn to consultancies to reach new clients and grow faster, dominating the market before being threatened by competitors.


USP Excellence Standard

RI USP Jr. benefits from the work of future internationalists educated at the best university in Latin America.


Auxílio de professores

RI USP Jr.’s solutions are supported by PhD professors from USP, such as supervisor Yi Shin Tang.


Affordable Prices

As a junior enterprise, we focus on the development of our members rather than profits, allowing us to offer quality services at more accessible prices.


Unique Solutions

Each project is unique and personalized, considering the specific needs of each client.

Customer Experiences

Impact Solutions

Some companies that increased their revenue thanks to RI USP Jr.'s solutions

Our Partners

Companies that help us deliver the best services.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can always contact our team to clarify any doubts!

Consultancies are companies specialized on helping businesses. Therefore, they have the necessary know-how to boost companies faster than they could by their own.

No. We are a business consulting firm in the area of businesses integration in the national and international markets. Generally, importers/exporters focus on the delivery of products to their final destination, taking care only of the bureaucracy and the payment of involved taxes. We go beyond this: our services are directed at identifying comercial opportunities that will lead to bigger profits and to the expansion of the your company’s name, building along with you a step-by-step to the success, whether selling your product national or international region that will maximize profits, whether importing products from other places.

Generally, RI USP Jr.’s solutions take 30 days to be formulated, but this time can vary depending on the project and on the demands of the client.

The best way to know is scheduling a diagnostic meeting with our project team, through this link! They will make a detailed analysis of your business.

Of course! RI USP Jr. has partnerships with big companies in the consulting market that help in the realization of our solutions, through the offer of sophisticated tools of qualitative and quantitative analysis. Moreover, professors with decades of experience in the market supervise carefully each one of our projects to guarantee its quality.

A junior enterprise jointly managed by professors and university students. Therefore, it is directed to the development of its members e clients, offering same quality services for more accessible prices. They legally acknowledged and their activity is regulated by Law Nº 13.267.

RI USP Jr.‘s solutions are designed for attending companies of all sizes that would like to join the world of exportation and importation. Therefore, our services are adequate for everyone who wishes to increase their revenues through internationalization or nationalization, whether selling products abroad, whether importing products to become more competitive in the market.

The main diffrence is that a junior enterprise is jointly managed by professors and university students. Therefore, it is directed to the development of its members and clients, offering same quality services for more accessible prices. Other elements, such as juridic safety and professionalism, work in the same way.

Once our projects are personalized, the price of the service varies depending on the chosen solution, on the complexity of the problem, on the client’s demands, among other factors.


Faturados em 2022
R$ 0
Membros capacitados para resolver o seu problema
+ 0
EJ de Relações Internacionais do Estado de SP
1 º

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