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About Us

Founded in 2007, RI USP Jr. is a junior enterprise jointly managed by the undergraduates and professors of the International Relations course in USP and offers services of business consultancy in company’s expansion and internationalization, besides organizing events, such as lectures and workshops for students and for the external community.

Time da RIUSP Jr.

Supervisor Professor

Yi Shin Tang

PhD Professor in the Institute of International Relations of the University of São Paulo. He is graduated in Law by the University of São Paulo (2002), has a master's degree in Law and the Global Economy by the New York University (2009), a master's degree in Asian Legal Studies by the National University of Singapore (2009) and a PhD in Economy, Institutions and Law by the University of Gent (2010). He has experience in the area of Law, with focus on International Economic Law and Comparative Law.


Yasmin Diniz


Pedro Lucas


Board of Directors


Carlane Silva

Marketing Manager

Ísis Gabriela

Publicity Manager


Raquel Alves

Projects Manager

Gabriela Gregorio

Consultancy Manager

Finances and Administration

Ana Clara Gabrich

Juridic Manager

Nina Nogueira

Finances and Administration Manager

Enzo Capella

Accounting Manager

Human Resources

Raquel Mendes

Human Development Manager

João Fávero

Human Resources Manager

Ana Clara Locali

Training Manager

Administrative Council

Amanda Moura

Tax Advisor

Vitor Nicoletti

Tax Advisor

Senior Consultants

Beatriz Cerqueira

Giovana Cerboncini

Murilo Valença

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